the perks of working with The Dewey show network™

(form below)

Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Dewey show™! If we become partners, I will read your Custom script on each episode of The Dewey show™ (i record episodes 6-7 days Every week). i will include you on this website, which can be found here. YOU WILL BE INCLUDED IN daily SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS (the COMBINED amount of FOLLOWERS is 27,805 across all social media), and i will do my absolute best to meet your needs. Are you a small business? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our Prices are not “one size fits all”! Are you a big business? That doesn’t mean you’ll be charged excessively. We work with every company and/or brand with fairness. Every plan is customized to suit your specific needs! Please reserve the offer code “dewey” or “deweyshow” for a promo code or url. (Example: or /deweyShow if applicable). if you have specific/unique needs for your business, please include that in your email! thank you for your interest in working with The Dewey show network™.

NOTE: The Dewey show network™ takes your privacy very seriously! we ask that you TAKE MY PERSONAL INFORMATION JUST AS SERIOUSLY. WE REQUIRE THAT YOU DO NOT DIVULGE ANY/ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION, BUSINESS INFORMATION, and ADDRESSEs. we will protect any/all of the information that you provide to us, as well.

please include your business name, website, and/or product in the “message” area.

©2021 The Dewey show network™. all rights reserved.